Summer Meeting 21-22nd of April 2022
Indranil Chakrabarti
EX. President (in absence of Bob Kerry President)
Mohammad Maqsood
Hon Sec
The Willows
Burton, Lincoln
Tel: 07854803828
21-22nd 0f April 2022
Dear Members,
Thank you for attending THC meeting on 21st and 22nd of April. This was our first meeting post covid-19 pandemic. It was great pleasure to see you all after long time as we had to cancel a few meetings because of covid-19 pandemic. This meeting was arranged with dedication and hard work by Miss M Birks and President of the club Mr Bob Kerry. Unfortunately, Bob Kerry could not be present on the day of the meeting because of some unforeseen circumstances. In the absence of Bob, Ex. President Mr I. Chakrabarti presided the meeting according to the Club rules.
Thursday 21st of April 2022.
We gathered in the evening at Rutland Hotel Sheffield at 7 pm. All those members who could attend were punctual and everyone arrived on at scheduled time. This evening was hosted by Miss M Birks and Mr Indranil Chakrabarti ex. president of the club. Thanks to all the members who attended the evening meeting and those who send their apologies, It was a good catch up evening on drinks at the hotel, it has given us good opportunity to meet greet after such a long time. We moved to dining tables, we all have excellent food with excellent presentation and service. All thanks to Meg for such a nicely organised dinner.
Chakrabarti, Kerry, Beauchamp, Gopal, Aspinall, Birks, Wembridge, Farhan, Norris, Smith, Maqsood, Fazal Ali, Flower, Gile, Roberts, Douglas, Hamilton
Bob Kerry, Salim, Bruce
Unplanned Absence.
Omonbude, Lawton, Lee, Sherman, Veysi, Grogan, Radcliffe, Farndon, Pandit, Shanker, Rowsell, Madan, Nicolaou, Mcwilliam, White, Qureshi, Beard.
Friday 22nd of April 9.30 AM
The club gathered in the morning most of them enjoying drinks in their hands and cheered to meet after so long. Meeting started on time.
Welcome by Host Miss M Birks
Miss M Birks welcomed everyone and those who could not attend and send apologies will receive the minutes of the meeting by post. We were pleased to meet again, knowing that it has been a difficult time for everyone due to Pandemic Covid-19. All of you who are working on the front line and have been fighting with Covid-19 and still fighting, putting your life and your family’s life at risk deserve appreciation and thanks from all the communities. Some of our colleagues has lost their family members and close friends during this pandemic we request you accept our deep heartful condolences, particularly to mention our most loved one Chris beloved wife of Mr Tom Smith, we will miss her for ever in away and overseas meetings.
Those who could not attend, we hope we will catch up with you soon in the next coming events, organised by The Holdsworth club. Traditionally the meetings are presided by the President as Bob Kerry current president could not attend the meeting therefore this meeting was presided by Mr Indranil Chakrabarti being ex. President available in the meeting according to the club rules.
The programme
Holdsworth Orthopaedic Club Meeting
Friday 22nd April 2022
Rutland Hotel, 452 Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2PY
Time Description Speaker
9.25 Welcome Miss M Birks
9.30 Virtual Ward Round part 1 Miss M Birks
9.45 Stryker Mini Fragment system
Ms M Parra & Mr R Wilson
10.00 Virtual Ward Round part 2 Miss M Birks
10.30 Day Case Hip Replacement Mr A Gordon
10.45 Virtual Ward Round part 3 Miss M Birks
11.15 Coffee
11.30 Major Trauma Service Update Dr S Rowe
11.45 Virtual Ward Round part 4 Miss M Birks
12.00 Minimising the Risk of Infection in Hip Fracture
Surgery Mr E Mills
12.15 Long term virtual follow up Ms J Watson
12.30 Custom Acetabular Components Mr D Hillier
12.45 British Spine Registry Mr L Breakwell
13.00 Lunch Stryker UK
14.00 CFS and CPOC guidelines Dr P May
14.15 Mountain Rescue Ms A Hoyle
14.30 The Young Hip Mr S Salih
14.45 Surrealism and Medicine Mr T Smith
15.00 Business Meeting Mr M Maqsood
16.00 Close of Meeting
Chakrabarti, Salim, , Aspinall, Birks, Wembridge, Farhan, Norris, Smith, Maqsood, Flower, Gile, Roberts, Douglas, Hamilton
Virtual ward rounds were presented by Miss M Birks, very interesting and complex cases, Primary and complex revision cases were presented. All the learned Members took special interest to get involved with discussion. It was interesting to see how the evolutions took place through the years, for management strategy of the complex problems as technology is advanced new techniques and methods are evolved.
Infected unstable TKR was interesting case, a challenge to manage. A 37 years old M with infected THR, Multibacteria resistance, with Netherton syndrome on steroids is another super challenge scenario. Some simple cases of knee injury and Primary Hip replacement were presented.
Stryker Mini fragment system (Ms M Parra)
Introduction and technical aspect of using these Mini plates on their own and in combination with larger plates is innovative clever thoughts and is good tools in hands to deal with multifragmented fractures of small and long bones. Examples shown were impressive.
Day case Hip replacement (Mr A Gordon)
Excellent idea very truly discussed that performing any innovative procedure needs a dedicated team. Productivity and efficiency are always compromised by little obstacles. What we concluded is that, Day case Hip and knee replacement is not dependent upon surgeon, because he is not going to anything differently. It is the anaesthesia and pain relief provided by the anaesthetist colleague. Getting up and mobilising quickly by dedicated Physiotherapist, nursing staff, rehabilitation programme, Dailey follow up phone calls, vigilant and perfect choice of patient for day case TKR and THR. It is a teamwork. You are lucky if you have dedicated team.
Major trauma service updates (Mr S Rowe)
very informative. Saving life and limbs in these critical circumstances. Role of Helicoptors impressive.
Minimising the risk of infection in hip fracture surgery (Mr E Mills)
very interesting. Tissue handling and wound management is the main stay of infection control. A dedicated consultant for Surgical site infection control in the department is good idea to be followed up in all NHS hospitals.
Long term virtual follow up (Ms J Watson)
is presented very nicely innovative way to do follow up for orthopaedic patients. We can save time and money, but at the same time we will lose the humane touch, communication, and relationship. We already have lost the ownership of the Patients; we will further be parted away from patients. There is always risk of missing the signs and symptoms with out physical examinations. All these reflections have been drawn from the participants of the meeting.
Custom Acetabular components (Mr D Hillier)
Excellent presentation with examples of complex cases. All members of the club took interest to see model and appreciate the benefits of custom made technology assistance in complex surgery.
British Spine Registry (Mr L Breakwell)
It is impressive that British spine registry has great impact on collecting data of spinal procedures. The data shown is important to reflect the outcome. We are sure it will be useful to modify our practices in spinal surgery.
CFS and CPOC guidelines (Dr P May)
We well appreciate the importance of Orthogeriatric physician in the management of fracture neck of femur in care of elderly. This lecture has highlighted the definition of frailty. Dr May has emphasized the importance of frailty and its impact on rehabilitation. Very well received message. It was also concluded that that it is important to consider the frailty as an important issue not only for fracture neck of femur but also for any other type of emergency or elective surgery.
Clinical frailty scale (CFS) from scale 1 very fit to scale 9 terminally ill gives us surgeons a very useful tool for assessment and prediction of outcome. We believe that is the way forward.
Mountain Rescue (Ms A Hoyle)
Amazing presentation and clear example of dedication and volunteerism for humanity. Fitness and training are considered very important. Interest willingness and hardship can make you hero.
The young HIP (Mr S Salih)
We always come across a painful young hip, clicks, some features of instability. Mr Salih did present interesting cases and approach to deal with this difficult problem. Arthroscopic and open procedure as well, short term and long-term outcome measures and tools to measure, need to be assessed.
Surrealism and Medicine (Mr T Smith)
Interesting topic well presented as always by Tom. I struggled to relate the surrealism to medicine as topic presented in our agenda but looking at the interest of audience in Mr Smith’s lecture was impressive. Surrealism, a revolutionary cultural movement that prioritised the unconscious and dreams, over the familiar and every day. Sparked in Paris in 1924, did not care for borders.
Mr smith has nicely knitted the culture of male dominance, shifting to the other side of inclusion of females. Historical and evolutionary movement of the time.
Business meeting (Mr M Maqsood)
We had this face-to-face meeting after long time, so there were few bits to discuss, but time restrained was kept in mind. President medal was still with our ex-president Mr Chakrabarti, that was handed over to Ms M Birks to pass on to Current President Mr Bob Kerry.
Special thanks to Bob and Meg for organising this wonderful programme of the meeting. Venue, foods drinks and above all lectures and presentations were excellent.
Thanks to Mr Brain Hamilton for organising meeting at Porton Down, on 26-28th of May 2022. Brian has always been very helpful to organise out of Yorkshire meetings, Cyprus meeting was another example of his hard work.
We also discussed about potential overseas meeting in Malta in future, possibly in October time. We hope Brian will inform us as soon as he get hold of the contacts.
Suggestions were asked for local meetings in future, most probably Noth side to engage and look for more active member from North side. Halifax, Huddersfield are the potential sites for next meeting for next year.
List of the club Members
Secretary of the club has compiled the list of members and will be attached within minutes of the meetings. Some people have been taken off the list and it may be a good idea to take those off who are not interested to stay on the list. Secretary of the club will contact all members to confirm their intentions and send photographs to stay on the list.
A suggestion was made to have photographs of all the members to save and add to the web page of the THC in future. Secretary of the club will make a request to all members on Whatsapp in the next few weeks.
Recruitment of new members
As we understand that some active members are reaching the age of retirement, and others not able to continue, so there is a need to recruit more active members for the club. We have some suggestions from the members for others and there are more to add to the list, please feel free if you can see any potential person to be a member let us know with the permission of president and consensus of the club members, we can recruit new members. Potential new members for recruitment are;
Professor G Bentley Honorary member
Mr Bala Venkat Pinderfields hospital Wakefield.
Mr Mark Davis Sheffield.
Mr A Gordon Sheffield.
These are four potential new members to be recruited in future.
It is our ambition to have a web page with the history of the club and old and new members and all activities posted. There is opportunity to add research work, innovations, and publications to add for trainees. Any innovative contribution to the trusts and hospitals can be added. A space for blogs and v logs.
The meeting was closed