A business meeting of the Holdsworth Orthopaedic was held on 15th November 2023 2pm
At the Rockingham Ward Seminar Room, Rotherham District Hospital
President – Mohammad Maqsood
Secretary – Meg Birks
Steve Giles
Shivkumar Gopal
Bob Kerry
John Lawton
Mohammad Maqsood
Andy Roberts
Javid Salim
Becky Aspinall
David Beard
Colin Beauchamp
Meg Birks
John Bradley
Indranil Chakrabarti
Munthir Farhan
Brian Hamilton
Christopher Lee
Steve Norris
Graham Radcliffe
Tom Smith
Kevin Wembridge
Expanding the active membership has progressed well, alongside ensuring all hospitals in the region are represented.
New members this year:
Barnsley – Sanjiv Sharma
Rotherham – Richard Bryant
Sheffield – Andy Gordon
Chesterfield – Jonathan May
New members planning to attend in 2025:
Barnsley – Richard Gadd
Hull – Sally Hobson (paed orth)
York & Scarborough – Sunil Auplish, Spiros Stavropoulos
Leeds – Chrish Mariathas
Prospective members to approach:
Airedale – Jason Eyre has contacts there and will assist with an introduction.
Bassetlaw – Rob Simpson-White
Action – Becky and Meg to continue work to bring in prospective members in a sustainable manner
It was proposed that the club embed a regular autumn meeting and take advantage of additional opportunities (e.g. combined meetings with Military Surgical Society)
CPD accreditation or application for points has been explored. There are considerable financial and administrative implications for this with RCSEng and RCSEd. On balance it does not seem a reasonable undertaking for a meeting of this size. Active appraisers at the meeting agreed that documentation to support attendance and appropriate reflection/discussion of the value of the meeting are sufficient to credit the CPD activity
Action – Certificates for meetings to be produced and sent to attendees
The member profiles need to be completed – photographs to be provided along with a short biography
Action – ensure correct descriptions: Senior members to fact check historical elements to ensure accuracy
Current account balance £2400
Agreed that keeping a balance of £2.5-3K will allow the club to fund room hire fees and deal with meeting failure or other unexpected event.
Account held with Lloyds, up to now classed as a business account. November 2024 notice has been received that it will be recategorized as a community account. Charges will now be levied on the account at £4.25 p/month – half the rate for a business account.
Action – all members to enquire with their contacts if other banks have fee-free community accounts
Future meetings
14th November 2025 – Jason Eyre, Pinderfields Hospital, Mid Yorks (Dinner 13/11/25)
Possibly Barnsley in 2026
Any Other Business
Brian Hamilton highlighted an online lecture about the work of Robert Jones during World War One, Friday 29th November 2024
Registration is online https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqdeCoqzotH9VZ-qR8abjHm1loEbpUHi1f#/registration
Attendees at the Academic meeting Friday 15th November 9.30am-1pm
Aspinall, Becky
Beard, David
Beauchamp, Colin
Birks, Meg
Bradley, John
Bryant, Richard
Chakrabarti, Indro
Eyre, Jason
Farhan, Munthir
Flowers, Mark
Gordon, Andy
Hamilton, Brian
Lee, Christopher
May, Jonathan
Norris, Steve
Radcliffe, Graham
Sharma, Sanjeev
Smith, Tom
Wembridge, Kevin
Attendees at Dinner Thursday 14th November
Aspinall, Becky
Beard, David
Beauchamp, Colin
Birks, Meg
Bradley, John
Bryant, Richard
Chakrabarti, Indro
Douglas, David
Eyre, Jason
Farhan, Munthir
Flowers, Mark
Hamilton, Brian
Lawton, John
Lee, Christopher
Maqsood, Mohammad
May, Jonathan
Norris, Steve
Radcliffe, Graham
Sharma, Sanjeev
Smith, Tom
Tulwa, Nirmal
Wembridge, Kev